SMART Platform
The Single-use, Metabolite Absorbing, Resonant Transducer (SMART) Platform consists of a reader, SMART stickers, and a laptop with analysis software. It can monitor progress of cell growth in closed incubators and bioreactors following these simple steps:

Stick Sensor in Vessel

Place Vessel on Reader

Run Experiment

Stream Progress of Cells
The pre-sterilized SMART sticker can be placed in your choice of plastic or glass culture vessel. During cell growth, the sensor membrane absorbs a class of secondary metabolites that tracks active cell progression. Our passive (no-battery) sensor stores this information and is scanned frequently by the external reader to provide a minute-by-minute tracking of growth. More detailed information on the inner workings of this platform can be found in this manuscript.
Advantages of this approach include:
Accommodates a wide range of popular single and multi-use cell culture vessels.
Eliminate Sampling
SMART vessels eliminate need for sampling during the run, mitigating risk of contamination.
Not Optical
No light path needed. Can be used with opaque vessels and in high density cell cultures.
Skroot SMART stickers are low cost, making them ideal for high throughput applications.
Generates minute-by-minute data. Allows for monitoring of changes in growth rate.
Data Analytics
Provides easy export to .csv file for futher analysis in Excel, Python, MATLAB, etc.
See our growing list of demonstrated applications and see how this platform can save you time and provide better insight.
Don't want to place the sticker yourself? We also offer a growing line of integrated SMART vessels including petri dishes, T-flasks, and shake flasks with the sensor pre-installed. Custom integration projects are also available. Contact us at sales@skrootlab.com.
The SMART platform is protected with the following patents:
1. Wireless Sensor (US Patent #11105761)
2. Resonant Sensor Reader (WO Patent #236534)
3. Transduction Cell Membrane (Application stage at USPTO)